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Remastering old family pictures

I recently decided to create my family tree and archive and document as much as possible my family pictures. This page is about my procedure to digitize my picture and how I enhanced them.


Because the picture pretty old and relatively low resolution, I used a simple camera to capture them and not a scanner. The key here is to avoid light reflections and camera movements so I used some light diffuse and a tripod. When the picture were curved I used heavy plates to lay them flat.


Using Photoshop I used the perspective crop tool to re-frame the picture. Then using the spot healing tool, I manually removed dust, scratch and completed borders.


The color restoration was performed using AI. To do so, with your google account run each step or the script bellow:

The last step requires the image to be online, so I used Imgbb to upload my pictures.


After the coloring, some more defect become apparent, so once again I used Adobe Photoshop and the spot healing brush to remove them. Then when the sharpness was not enough I either used Topaz Gigapixel AI or Topaz Sharpen AI to enhance the clarity.

The result!




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