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My piano upgrades

Today I want to share the upgrades I have done on my electronic piano. It a Casio Privia PX-160 and it is an excellent keyboard for its price. It has hammer and very realistic response. However its equipment come a little bit short behind the sound quality.

So here are the enhancements I have performed!

1-Upgrading the pedal

Bought a permanent 3 pedal from b&h. The original one runs away too quickly. The SP-33 as 3 pedals, but only the sustain pedal will work with the PX-160. Nevertheless that is the most important one and having it fixed is worth its price!

2-Attaching a lamp

I had two requirements when I performed the upgrade. First I didn’t want to alter the original stand. Second I wanted to be able to remove the Piano from the stand without making it more complicated.

The solution I came to was to create an extension bracket with a wide base. This base attach to the horizontal panel on the back of the stand with black tie-wraps. This way the piano can be lifting off without having to touch the lamp.

It is very handy for playing at night! One day maybe I will make a L.E.D. upgrade to it…

3-Extending the music sheet holder

The basic one can barely hold 3 sheets of music with 2 that are half supported and keep falling around. It is also not high enough so if you let the sheet on it for a while, they tend to curve on the back and are not readable anymore.

The new one made from wood has a curved back and a stopped strip to prevent sheet from falling. Its angle is also adjustable. The groove and the hinges where 3d printed. (In two parts as the length was too long to fit in my 3d printer…

4-Got rid of the 4 nuts under the piano

There are 4 nuts that secure the piano to the stand. Not only these make the piano a pain to be moved around, but they are also useless. The piano is already pretty heavy and stands very well without them. Now bringing my piano all around the house is easy and fun!

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